Bringing together

and strengthening the entire

human rights sector in Austria.



We are creating a human rights alliance - a strong and comprehensive alliance of the human rights sector in Austria

We see that even in Austria, human rights are not guaranteed for everyone, that human rights achievements that have already been fought for are once again being called into question and we learn that human rights are being systematically weakened and undermined in some areas and that human rights defenders are being intimidated. 

Who will stand up reliably and strongly against political attacks on the human rights sector and fundamental humanitarian values? How can we ensure that human rights continue to be understood as a guiding principle for future challenges? Who will stand up for the concerns of human rights organizations as a whole?

Darauf wollen wir mit der Menschenrechtsallianz eine Antwort geben.



human rights together

Together we can achieve more for a society in which human rights are lived!



A strong and comprehensive alliance of the human rights sector in Austria

We would like to initiate an alliance at an Austria-wide conference that represents the broadest possible alliance of human rights organizations, academic institutions with a focus on human rights and human rights defenders. Together we want to be a strong voice for human rights in Austria!

We are convinced that an association of all actors represents great added value for the human rights landscape in Austria. On the one hand, through internal consolidation, solidarity and mutual support with expertise and resources.

Cooperation will be simplified and we can be a strong civil society voice against attacks on the human rights sector as a whole. On the other hand, we need a united front in public and as a counterpart in political negotiations and economic decisions. It is essential that human rights are introduced, discussed and demanded in the social discourse on values. We want to play an active role in shaping the human rights discourse and not leave it to those destructive forces that set out to dismantle human rights values for populist motives. Setting issues and driving them forward happens louder, stronger and more effectively when we are united - that is our goal.


organization committee

Organisationskomitee der Menschenrechts Allianz: Sabine Zhang, Teresa Hatzl, Angelika Watzl, Sebastian Öhner

Let's get the

human rights alliance off the ground together!

Our work is supported by:

Logo Rd Foundation Vienna



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