These were the highlights

of the founding conference



Founding conference

The founding conference of the Human Rights Alliance took place on February 16, 2024 in the Brotfabrik, Ankersaal (1100 Vienna). The aim was to gauge interest in a merger of the human rights sector in Austria. The conference, which was packed with 150 participants, painted a clear picture. In panel discussions, workshops and networking sessions, a wide variety of human rights actors came together and reaffirmed their desire for a joint alliance.



Opening and welcome

Volker Türk – Videomessage

(UN High Commissioner for Human Rights) 

Key Note 

Tarek Naguib

(NGO Platform Human Rights Switzerland) 

Podium discussion 

How can an alliance strengthen human rights work in Austria? 

Marty Huber
Petar Rosandić
Judith Kohlenberger
Barbara Helige
Samuel Hafner

(SOS Balkan Route)
(Migration expert WU Vienna)
(League for Human Rights)
(BlackVoices referendum) 

Workshops Part I

Workshops 1 – 6

see description of workshops

Workshops Part II

Workshops 7 – 12

see description of workshops

Podium discussion 

Paths to a human rights alliance 

Philipp Sonderegger
Shoura Zehetner-Hashemi
Rita Isiba
Julia Moser

(Amnesty International Austria)
(Light for the World) 



01 Workshop

What does a human rights alliance need?

What does a human rights alliance need to be able to work effectively? What tasks should a human rights alliance ...

Philipp Sonderegger, Moritz Birk

02 Workshop

Shrinking Spaces and the connection to the Human Rights Alliance

Since shrinking space is a global phenomenon that also affects European countries, it is important that an Austrian ...

Sophie Veßl, Daniel Bacher

03 Workshop

Reclaiming Expertise

Who is an expert and who assesses the existence or non-existence of expert status? Does the term ...

Hannah Zach, Sophie Rendl

04 Workshop

Complaints about measures and active involvement of affected communities

After an input on what complaints about measures are and in which cases they are useful and promising ...

Clemens Lahner

05 Workshop

Sketching Social Change: drawing political comics

Esma Bošnjaković deals intensively with human rights issues through comics as “Strudelworte”. This ...

Esma Bošnjaković

06 & 11 Workshop

Poster Walk: Exciting projects from the human rights scene

Project Individual Complaint before the Constitutional Court, Book Presentation “Radical Inclusion” & Ecological ...

Hannes Tretter, Hannah Wahl, Ingrid Pintaritsch

07 Workshop

Inclusion, participation and accessibility as an important pillar of a human rights alliance in Austria

This interactive workshop is dedicated to the question of how the inclusion of people with disabilities and ...

Julia Moser, Heidemarie Egger

08 Workshop

Global solidarity

There is not much time left to contain the irreversible damage caused by globally unleashed capitalism. The ...

Alexander Behr

09 Workshop

Making human rights measurable?

Human rights indicators and the role of state and civil society in them: The workshop pursues 3 interwoven ...

Johannes Waldmüller

10 Workshop

Crash course “Campaigning with Amnesty”

In the “Crash Course: Campaigning” workshop, we dive together into the world of strategic campaign planning at ...

Denise Tan

about 0



An MRA in Austria is important because ...

Sophie Veßel

AG Global Responsibility


“ Austria, human rights are too rarely heard in public and political discourse.”

Sophie Rendl

Women's domain


“... because there is so much knowledge and experts in Austria from the fields of human rights, NGOs, grassroots organizations, research and through an alliance this knowledge can be linked and then more can be achieved together and the whole issue of human rights can reach everyone on a broad scale.”

Clemens Lahner



“...because it makes much more sense if everyone pulls together and doesn't fight against windmills on their own.”



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